Pae - Boy of my dreams

Last night, I watched Loser Lover. It was fun, and Pae was so cute and handsome.

A movie about a boy finding her not so beautiful dream girl. Actually, the story was so cute and very funny. Well, I hope, I can have a similar love story to this movie. A boy meet a girl and fall in love, chased her, until he win the heart of the girl, and they are happy together.

Song to Ditch Procrastination Part 3

In stopping procrastinating, recognize that you're doing it.

Whenever, i got lost and don't know exactly what to do, I want to sing along with Suddenly I See by KT Tunstall. Makes me feel the need to think about the most important things in my life.

Song to Ditch Procrastination Part 2

If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place. 
- Lao Tzu

We have same result if we have do things in the same way. In order to make new things, want something new, we must do something we've never done before. In order to get rid of procrastination, we must change our perspective.

Here's a song of Taylor Swift : Change.

Song to Ditch Procrastination Part 1

Procrastination - the action of delaying or postponing something

August 1, 2013, I downloaded this song 'Living in the Moment' by Jason Mraz, helps me to stop procrastinate. This was the time, I feel so down, that I always think of my past mistakes. I was always thinking about, I should have done this, or that. Blaming myself for the outcome of the decisions I've made. But, I never thought, a song can change my perspective. Since the day I used to sing this song, it has made a great impact on my life.
As the song goes:
I will not waste my days
Making up all kinds of ways
To worry 'bout all the things
That will not happen to me